Ventura shiplogo

Cruise Line:
Year Built:
Not Available
Webcam For The Ventura

Dining Options Onboard The Ventura

Bar & Lounge Options Onboard The Ventura

Cultural Options Onboard The Ventura

Technology Options Onboard The Ventura

Passengers can access the internet on board Ventura either in the library on deck 5 or via their personal wireless devices.

Wi-Fi access incurs the same charge as standard internet access in library.

There is an activation charge of £2.50 with various packages available ranging from around 25p per minute to 35p per minute or Pay As You Go option of 50p per minute.

Dependant upon the ships location and the number of guests using the service, the download speed is around 0.50 Mbps and the upload speed around 0.29 Mbps.

Computer Room
Computer Room
During the ships recent refit, the cyberstudy was converted into the ships new library with some fixed PCs.

To access the internet a £2.50 activation fee applies and guests can then either pay 50p per minute or purchase a package making the per minute useage charge cheaper (e.g a 100 minute time plan costs £35).

Black and White printing is also available at 30p per page.

Dependant upon the ships location and the number of guests using the service, the download speed is around 0.50 Mbps and the upload speed around 0.29 Mbps.
Wi-Fi (Wireless)
Wi-Fi (Wireless)
Since the ships refit in 2013, Ventura is now fully wi-fi enabled.

Charges apply with an activation fee of £2.50 and either 50p per minute or various packages (e.g 100 minutes for £35) which make it slightly cheaper.

Dependant upon the ships location and the number of guests using the service, the download speed is around 0.50 Mbps and the upload speed around 0.29 Mbps.

Lap tops can be hired from Cyb@Study for £10 per day (limited supply).

Family Options Onboard The Ventura

Rest & Relaxation Options Onboard The Ventura

Sports Options Onboard The Ventura

Entertainment Options Onboard The Ventura