Pride of America shiplogo

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Webcam For The Pride of America

Dining Options Onboard The Pride of America

Bar & Lounge Options Onboard The Pride of America

Cultural Options Onboard The Pride of America

Technology Options Onboard The Pride of America

Family Options Onboard The Pride of America

Rest & Relaxation Options Onboard The Pride of America

Santa Fe Fitness Centre (Gym)
Santa Fe Fitness Centre (Gym)
The Fitness Centre features a range of treadmills and exercise bikes with TV screens, resistance machines, rowing machines and free weights with the treadmills overlooking the ever changing sea views through the windows.

Also on offer are a range of fitness classes in the separate aerobics studio ranging from free Abs and Tums to Pilates and Yoga which cost $12 per class.

The Fitness Centre is located aft of deck 12 and opens 24 hours.
Pride of America has five hot tub, four by the South Beach Pool on deck 11 and one by the Oasis Pool aft of deck 12. They open from 8am to 10pm (weather permitting).

Due to U.S health regulations no children in nappies/diapers including those suitable for swimming are allowed in the hot tubs.
Santa Fe Spa
Santa Fe Spa
The Santa Fe Spa on deck 12 opens from 8am to 10pm and offers a range of treatments from hot stone massages to teeth whitening (fees apply).

The Spa also includes complimentary single sex male and female steam rooms and saunas and a relaxation lounge with tea and coffee making facilities.
Santa Fe Salon (Beauty Salon)
Santa Fe Salon (Beauty Salon)
The ship's unisex beauty salon on deck 12 within the Santa Fe Spa offers range of services from cuts and colours to manicures and male grooming services and opens from 8am to 10pm.
A complimentary single sex sauna is located within the Spa on deck 12 and opens from 8am to 10pm.
Steam Room
Steam Room
A complimentary single sex steam room is located within the Spa on deck 12 and opens from 8am to 10pm.

Sports Options Onboard The Pride of America

Entertainment Options Onboard The Pride of America